Friday, 17 May 2013

IC Trip: Bobong 2013

I chose to go the Bobong for my IC trip this year. Although i didn't knew half the people that were going in this trip, it gave me the chance to get to know them and make new friends throughout the whole trip. In this trip maybe the biggest highlights were at the end of the day, were we had to cook for the whole group in teams and have some fun in the process. Another big highlight must be the knowledge and experiences that we gather, when we interacted with the local tribes of that region of Kenya, visiting their villages and doing work that they have to do each day, we visited a school as well, while we were teaching the students about general things such as the world, the animals and the people that we live nowadays, another group of students were helping the school by painting the walls of the classrooms. Maybe one of the best experiences in the trip was to have the chance of milking and riding camels, i know it sounds dumb, but when in your life are you gonna have a chance to do that?.

I found this trip pretty amazing, it gives you the chance to do things that in my own opinion, would not have been able to do. It gave me the chance of knowing new people, have better relationships with your current friends and have a lot of fun with them. I think I would have loved if we stayed for more time.

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